Fellows are experienced AMU faculty who act as the pipeline for incoming ideas and industry at the Institute. Specifically, through their research, teaching, and interactions, they develop and impart practical knowledge to Scholars. Fellows are asked to meet as a group to guide the Institute, interact with Scholars to inform their development, and build bridges to industries and internships. Fellows can also nominate Scholars.



Chair of the Humanities Department; Professor of Humanities and Literature; Director of Shakespeare in Performance

Teaching young people how to pursue excellence in their work, and how to view their work as a means of seeking sanctity.



As a deeply Christ-centered Catholic University, AMU is built on a long legacy of Catholicism's intellectual and spiritual pursuit of truth and wisdom. With the rapid societal moral decay, and just as rapidly expanding scientific advances, the Institute is critical to the formation of Scholars that can navigate and lead our future generations.



I look forward to assisting trailblazing students in securing internships and first jobs. Ave students represent the future of America and the Catholic Church.



I am interested in teaching and mentoring AMU students to participate as faithful and dynamic Catholics at the highest international levels of their profession.



Ave Maria is the greatest university of any type for forming the character and intellect of future leaders. Being able to share insights regarding leadership and entrepreneurship will be highly rewarding.



Central to our institutional mission at AMU is the formation of our students in the intellectual and moral virtues and the development of professional and pre-professional programs. This Institute answers both of these calls. I am most excited by the opportunity to interact with Scholars, maximize their abilities, and set them on a path to transform society and industry from within.



I desire to support this initiative so as to further advance Ave Maria University's reputation as a preferred institution for high-achieving Catholic students. As educators and guides, we will have the opportunity to provide aspiring scholars with essential tools — intellectual, spiritual, and professional — in order to have an enduring impact on the lives of these students specifically and on the broader social and economic polity more generally, in full conformity with Ave Maria University's, and the Catholic Church's, august mission.



Associate Professor of Business and Finance

I am interested in joining the Institute to help develop AMU students to become future leaders and experts in our country. By providing an incubator for students to grow their personal and professional skillset under the mantle of Our Lady's protection, they will be prepared to enter the world to engage the challenges of secular society. By developing our top students, we will help to develop influential leaders with a foundation grounded in the moral teachings of the Catholic Church.

Become a Fellow

The Institute at Ave Maria University forms hard-working young men and women who seek to explore, discover, and hone the skills they will need to propel them into their future careers. Your wisdom and experience, shared through research, teaching, and interactions, can help develop Scholars and build with them a bright future. Your education and experience have served you—will you put them at the service of the next generation?

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