Definition: Exceptional AMU students who fully commit to The Institute
Commitments: 3-5 hours per week. Attend and engage in all The Institute’s events, curriculum, and forums
Benefits: Earn the formation, experience, credentials, and network to succeed personally and professionally
Thank you very much for selecting me to be a part of this exciting initiative! I am interested in participating in The Institute because I see it as another great way to grow as a person in many ways while at AMU. I am most excited for the opportunity of getting to know The Institute's interesting and incredible people, both students and mentors, in the coming years.
This institute seems to be a good thing, which I will benefit from. Therefore, I want to join it. I judge that it will help me in my response to my vocation.
I am interested in joining the Institute, since I believe it will aid me in better developing my professional skills and shape me into a more well-rounded person. I am most excited for the Institute small groups! I am also looking forward to the amazing opportunities that will stem from joining the Institute.
I was seeking to find/create something that bridges the gap between our core curriculum and real life experience. I wanted a chance to learn by doing as well as lots of opportunity for internships and mentorship. I had begun to take steps forward to try to create something like this with Hope Mosher so I am elated to be a part of something so much bigger than myself.
I am interested because I currently don't has a career path planned and it sounds like this is a great opportunity to receive some direction. Having fun opportunities with other driven students is what I'm most excited about!
I love how the Institute is able to prepare you for the professional world while you are still in college. It seems intriguing how we will be exposed to a variety of people who can help give us job insights and connections that will be extremely important for setting up a career after college. I am extremely excited to meet these people along with my fellow members of the program!
I'm mostly excited about the opportunity of camaraderie with other scholars.
I am interested in the Institute because networking and sharing and implementing ideas is something I can struggle with, so I am looking forward to the personal and professional development the Institute offers. I am most excited about growing close with my fellow students in the Institute.
I am interested because of the access to real world professional experiences that will make me a competitive candidate for jobs after college. I would have to say I'm most excited for the trips we will take to world renown places.
I am drawn to the network that is at the core of the Institute. I am excited about the opportunities that the Institute may provide.
I am interested in the community of scholars that the Institute will form at AMU and all of the professional experience that I will gain! I can't wait to meet in small groups and with professionals in different fields in order to prepare us for our future careers and provide on-ramps to jobs after college.
I am very excited to learn practical business skills that will help me pursue excellence in my future vocation. I am thrilled to meet the hand picked mentors and learn from their life experiences. I think that the institute will be a blessing for students for years to come and I am extremely grateful to be a part of the first year!
I am interested in the Institute primarily for the deeper, wholistic formation that it offers as well as the network it provides to help launch me into the professional world.
I can't wait to learn and grow from meeting amazing mentors and peers.
The Institute has captivated my interest because of the countless opportunities that it will provide. I am fascinated by the success of those that are returning to share their knowledge with my peers and I. I am grateful for the countless skills that I will accumulate, the network that I will be a part of, and again the opportunities that I will receive.
I am most excited about the challenges that will be given to us so as to enhance our professional skills and abilities and to work out these challenges with our small groups.
I am extremely interested in the effect this institute will have on my character and presence. I've always wanted to work on my public speaking skills as well as holding unique conversation with professional. I believe this institute will prepare me to be the gem in the midst of many eager future doctors and will complement the drive and pre- professional plan I have for myself already.
I am interested in the Institute because I believe it would give me a great introduction into today's work world and the ability to spread the Catholic faith through it. I am excited at the opportunity to learn from professionals, and I am hoping that the institute will better equip me to be a strong driven, academic, witness to Christ. I'm honestly just really excited for the entire thing and all the opportunities it will give me!
I am interested because of the goals of the Institute, from the experiences to being formed into a well rounded, good person. I am excited to work and gain experience from top professionals while meeting like-minded colleagues and peers.
I am excited in joining a program that will further develop my professional skills while also maintaining the Catholic faith. After transferring to Ave Maria University from a large secular institution, I realize the utmost importance of such a Catholic institution and furthermore the Institute itself. I thank everyone involved for launching the program and making it possible!
I love how we will be able to build practical skills that transfer to our careers.
I'm looking forward to growing as a young adult professionally and spiritually in the Institute!
I am interested in the Institute because of the resources it offers for personal, cultural, and professional development. However, I am most excited about meeting skilled professionals who excel in their respective fields, as well as making new friends and growing intellectually. Thank you for offering me this wonderful opportunity!
New Hampshire
I am thrilled to be a part of a Catholic entrepreneurial think-tank, with peers who are likewise driven to make a difference, and the ideas and opportunities that will grow out of it!
It seems like an amazing opportunity to be successful in the professional world after college. I'm most excited to be connected with business professionals from all across America.
Being a part of the Institute sounds like a great opportunity to learn important professional skills and to create a network that will help me to get a good job after graduation. I really look forward to being a part of this program.
This Institute is simply a response to a prayer that I had towards my future. I asked for direction when I came to Ave, and as I wrap up my Freshman year, I needed to know that something would be guiding me towards what is next after I leave Ave and pursue not just a career, but the world itself and all it has to offer. Im thoroughly excited to expand my skills and value as a laborer and possible employee, and I am thankful for this being provided to me when I most needed it.
I am beyond thrilled to have been selected for this program and I believe that with this formation alongside the gifts God has given me I will be able to make a substantial impact within the vocation God is calling me towards. As of recent I have been speaking around the country on different podcasts and giving speeches to various men's groups and I have been praying and asking for more guidance and formation while navigating this apparent vocation God is calling me toward. The institute is offering precisely that. I am most excited to grow my network and to grow in the skills that will propel me forward in whatever career God calls me towards. Again, I just want to extend my utmost gratitude for this program and for having selected me as one of its scholars.
I want to join the Institute to be part of this special university within a university. I hope to grow academically, spiritually, and socially while being in this group. I'm most excited about meeting the other scholars as well as the mentors and advisors.
The diversified network scholars are building together as a community, career opportunities from the immense amounts of knowledge brought forward from the program, the leadership of Tom Monaghan, President Middendorf and Daniel Schreck, but most of all I am excited to challenge myself and perform to my full potential when placed in the proper environment.
The prospect of directly learning under highly successful business people really interests me, and I am extremely excited for the small group aspect and growing with my mentor and group mates.
I am interested in the Institute because I think that it has a truly unique mission and fills a needed space in the education and mission of Ave Maria. I also love the enthusiasm and dedication brought to the project. At the opening meeting it made such a difference to be with a group of people who all genuinely wanted to be there and were well dressed. I am excited for the interpersonal relationship and cultural aspect of the institute as well as the goal of achieving high professional excellence without having to sacrifice any of the rich gifts Ave has to offer through the liberal arts and Catholic tradition.
The Institute sounds like an incredible opportunity to not only prepare me for a future career, but form my character as a woman of God. I am most excited to learn as much as I can from this program and work with new students who share a similar dedication to becoming exemplary students.
I am interested in the Institute because I want to help people through my vocation and I want to try and make at least a small change in the world. I am excited to learn everything you have to teach me.
Excited to grow as a person and share in the community at the institute!
I am extremely passionate about building a future with network and connections with resources that are learned not only inside the classroom. I am looking forward to being a part of this institution so that I can be well prepared for my future and have the equipment to help spread the importance of faith in the work environment. I am excited to see this amazing program launch and see where this takes off to. Thank you!
I am interested in the Institute for all the opportunities it will offer me to be the best person I can possibly be professionally, academically, socially, and spiritually. I am most excited for all the great people I will get to meet and all the fun new experiences I will have. I am really thankful to be accepted into the Institute and can't wait to see what God has in store for me!
I'm looking forward to being a part of the Institute because I think it is a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and to help me discern my vocation.
The opportunity to grow as a leader and active member of the community intrigues me. I am most excited to go into the world and learn from new experiences. I hope to improve my social skills especially when meeting influential professionals. I look forward to the chance to grow as a Catholic surrounded by hardworking peers and supportive mentors. I am excited to earn internship opportunities and to learn more about my future career options.
The chance to widen my knowledge and be introduced to new things, is the reason for my interest in the Institute. I am very excited to me new people and grow closer to God.
The thing that I most excited for is to have a concrete foundation to be the influential leader that this generation needs while also passionately, practicing my faith.
As for what interests me, the possibility of learning even more about AI and how that will translate to what I'm going to be doing after graduation is fascinating. And as for what I'm excited about, it the opportunity to build a network that will help me to grow in the business world is incredibly exciting. Also I can't wait to be apart of a devoted hardworking group of students that all have a common goal, we're gonna get a lot done. I'd just like to say thank you for the opportunity and taking a chance on me, I can't wait to get started!
I am interested because I want to have a successful and influential career and I am excited about meeting people who can help me do that!
I'm very excited about the opportunity to learn more about myself and my passions and to discern what exactly I want to do after college. I'm thrilled for the opportunity to do this alongside other likeminded scholars.
We are called to be in the world, but not of the world. I believe that the Institute will help me achieve that goal. Coupled with the dynamic faith life at AMU, the Institute will form me into a professional individual who is strong in her faith—an individual who can be in the world, but not of the world. I am excited for this new opportunity to learn!
IlOpportunities to practice for interviews, resume building, networking
I am interested for the opportunity to grow personally, spiritually, and professionally. I am most excited about the opportunities for networking and internships/grad school.
I am thrilled to have the unique and amazing opportunity to learn from such knowledgeable, Catholic professionals and to have access to many opportunities to grow and form myself to be the best person that I can be! I want to be able to develop my God-given talents to give Him glory, as well as grow closer to Him and help others grow in the Catholic Faith! I cannot wait to meet all the Institute's members and mentors and start working on challenges and group projects!
The Institute has a great vision of cultivating the most excellent and brilliant students into the best among others, in order to inspire those around them and create global impacting change. Through its cultural, personal and professional training, I will stand out, as one of the best and most authentic Catholic leaders, excelling in my particular vocation, and inspiring others to be the best version of them of themselves and most importantly to follow Christ.
As someone driven and on fire for the mission, of saving souls, and as an individual and leader committed to high standards, wisdom, and my Catholic Faith, I resonate with this vision. I strive to serve God, by being the best in all I do. I am focused on creating great growth and change with lasting results, by setting a vision and by then leading others and inspiring them to attain this vision, guiding them by setting goals along the way and by achieving them. The Institute is aligned with my core values, of personal excellence, of creating lasting impact for Christ, and of fidelity to the Faith. Additionally, it will also provide me with the tools, network, real-world experience, and wisdom that I need to fulfill my driving mission, my vocation, to save souls. More specifically, I desire to, God willing, serve the Church as a bishop, and create a global media company through which's content billions of souls will be saved. I believe that the Institute will provide me with the requisite wisdom, skills, and experience, placing me light years ahead of the game.
I look forward most to becoming well acquainted with like-minded peers, fellows, mentors, and advisors. Additionally, I truly love Christ and Our Lady, and I am very excited to help grow and advance our Lady's university, Ave Maria, into the future.
I believe that the opportunities that this Institute will provide will be instrumental in setting myself and all those involved up for success in the future, not only maintaining our Catholicism along the way but also promoting it as an integral part of our endeavors. I am most excited to work hard to learn the skills needed and especially to learn from mentors. I have always desired means to be able to strengthen my Catholicism and the responsibility I have in the world, and the Institute will advance both. I look forward to using what I have learned here in the future, particularly with dreams and pursuits of being a vital Catholic presence in my community.
I am most excited to be given the opportunity to gain experience to, receive highly coveted Job offers, and be taught by like-minded men and women. -I put the wrong email in the first time.
I am interested in making connections with potential employers in the field of environmental science, and I am most excited to meet others in the Institute and to gain a deeper understanding of my career field.
I am interested in the Institute for the excellent opportunity for the personal and professional growth it provides. I am excited to learn from experts who have first-hand experience in the fields I am interested in.
I am immensely interested in the Institute due to its leadership nature and mission to advance the Catholic faith in the world. I am dedicated to finding ways to integrate Catholicism into business and politics and love to lead and organize solutions to our pressing needs.
I am interested in the Institute because I want to be challenged, guided, and encouraged to grow. I am most excited to be part of such a driven community, where I will be motivated by my peers and grow useful connections for my future.
I get so much in terms of the liberal arts here at Ave. My foundation becomes stronger and stronger every school year and I love this. I am really being formed as a person. I am interested in the Institute because it will provide me with the add-ons to this strong foundation that will enable me to also be fluent in the business world and to land that great position where I can then exercise/show my full person / capabilities.
I am most excited to learn these new skills.
I am interested in the Institute as an opportunity to begin the application of knowledge and critical thinking to real-world scenarios. Whether it be through hands-on learning, discussion, presentations, or other networking events, I believe this Institute will develop many of the much-needed professional skills all future Catholic leaders need while providing a path with those skills for after graduation. I am most excited to meet many of the Catholic business leaders and other corporations that are coming to meet us as they are eager to share their experience and expertise so that we can be prepared for the professional world.
I look forward to learning professional skills and learning how to apply my faith to my future career.
I am interested in the Institute because of the opportunity to grow my networking and career skills while at AMU. I am looking forward to the mentoring and small group sessions and growing into a well-rounded Catholic professional.
At the Institute at Ave Maria University, Scholars can amplify their time and effort and graduate with solid marketable skills and a vibrant faith. If you would like to become a Scholar, have the drive to work hard and apply what you learn, fill out the "ACCEPT YOUR NOMINATION INTO THE INSTITUTE" form. The future is challenging. How will you rise to meet it?